Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Teacher
The Warrior's Heart Retreat

August 18-21, 2022
at the Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, CO!
Restoring the heart, mind, and soul after trauma
Who is this workshop for? For those who've experienced loss, grief, betrayal, and trauma, healing the heart and soul wounds can be daunting: this retreat is specially designed to help individuals find the courage, clarity, and healing to move forward.
Reserve your space NOW!!! Maximum 30 participants.
Act now to secure your space for this revolutionary healing experience!
Join Charlie Pacello, internationally recognized emotional and spiritual healer, PTSD expert, host of the TV/Radio show 'The Council', founder and creator of the incredible, multi-disciplinary program - 'Healing the War within the Soul'-, on a 4-day intensive retreat to discover the tools and practices to heal the wounds of your soul and develop the skills to embody the spiritual warrior's heart.
Through lectures, meditations, writings, yoga, group work, ritual, and release ceremonies, you will learn how to access your own soul, tend to your wounds, heal them, and then establish the boundaries and practices to live authentically with the heart of the warrior.
Items to bring with you:
A sacred object
yoga mat (optional)
loose clothing to move in
water bottle
note: pen and journal will be provided for each participant when they arrive

(*Above price is calculated for a double occupancy room and includes all healthy meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), and snacks ($353). When you register with Sunrise Ranch, you will be given the option to choose different rooming accommodation if you wish). Travel expenses not included.
TUITION: $750.00
If interested, have one of two options:
pay in installment payments (please contact me so we can set a plan up for you)
pay in full
You won't find a better price for the value you will receive, I guarantee!
Register today for this transformative retreat!!!
This event will sell out!!
Deposit payment - please note, your deposit is non-refundable. Balance payments are due NLT August 1, 2022. If balance payment not received by this deadline, you will forfeit your registration and deposit.
Cancellation Policy - written cancellation immediately after registration and up to the first 10 days: $375 cancellation fee per person. Cancellation after July 31, 2022: 50% of total workshop cost person. No refunds after August 4, 2022.
Once you've registered for the retreat with me and we've secured your spot, you will need to register with Sunrise Ranch, let them know your dietary restrictions (grass-fed, vegetarian, and vegan options are available), and book your rooms. The total for a double occupancy room with meals for all 3 days is $353.
I will send you the link to register with Sunrise Ranch once payment (deposit or full payment) of the tuition has been received.
Send all inquiries, questions, or confirmations about the retreat here.