Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Teacher
Meditations with Masters of The Axial Age

About the Book
"Meditations with Masters of the Axial Age" is a powerful book for the soul. Self-help author Charles Pacello brilliantly examines and distills the essence and teachings of six masters of the Axial Age (900 BCE - 200 BCE), an era in human history that had enormous implications on all of our spiritual and religious traditions. A self-help book for the soul, the reader is invited to sit down next to six of the great luminaries of this time: Socrates, the Greek Tragedy playwrights, Ezekiel, Lao Tzu, the mystics of the Upanishads, and the Buddha. Each has something unique to teach you. Taking time to explore their teachings, meditate with them, and then answer the questions which follow each chapter, will lead you to a deep, personal, and passionate intimate connection with your soul, unlike anything you've experienced before.
"Meditations with Masters of the Axial Age" is a powerful, practical book of great spiritual wisdom.
Course Syllabus
This seven week course is designed to help you become more intimately connected with 6 of the great teachers and masters of the Axial Age. For over a decade, I searched, read, studied, learned, and practiced from the ancient masters, excavating the shadows of my own soul to rediscover the truths behind these ancient teachings. Modern medicine didn't have the power or potency to relieve my suffering. Even energy medicine had its limitations. However, the sacred, mystical teachings of the masters found in this book gave me access to the healing power of Grace found in the disciplined practice of these principles. What you will discover when reading this book will open your mind and feed your soul with the truth - our most powerful healing serum.
We will examine thoroughly the lives of six masters and teachers of the Axial Age (900 BCE - 200 BCE) from Greece, Israel, China, and India - Socrates, the Greek Tragedy playwrights, Ezekiel, Lao Tzu, the mystics of the Upanishads, and the Buddha. The striking similarities each of the four regions' sages, philosophers, prophets, poets, and spiritual masters came to is astonishing. Each has something unique to teach you. They were intimately connected to the mechanisms that governed the inner world, and each chapter contains a jewel for you to take on your path to heal and liberate your soul.
We will take time to sit down with these masters, explore their teachings, meditate with them, and then answer the questions which follow each chapter. This will lead you to a deep, personal, and passionate intimate connection to your soul, unlike anything you've experienced before. By the time you finish, you will have discovered the extraordinary strength and resources of your own soul, and arrive at a renewed awareness of the profound mystery of who you really are.
Purchase of the book is required for this course (paperback or e-book). Class attendance and group participation is required.
Purchase: $300
Course will begin April 19, 2021, and will meet every Monday evening for 7 weeks on zoom. All interested students must pay tuition in full or you can speaking with me about an installment plan. No refunds once class begins. Dedicated students only. Class size limit: 50.